Artisteerv. Patchisthe latestapplicationthatis suitableforyouwhowant tostudy to becomea web designer. This softwarecanhelpcreateawebsite design, templatejoomla, drupalthemes, wordpressthemes, editandcutgraphics, codingXHTMLand CSS, and manyothersonlybya matter of minutes. By using the softwareArtisteerlatestFull Patchv., youdo notneedPhotoshoporDreamweavertocreateoreditawebsiteorjoomlatemplate. Artisteerv. Patchisan automaticapplicationforthe creation of websitesthatare veryeasytolearn.
SystemRequirements :
Intel or AMD processor 1500 MHz or higher
150 Mb free disk space
1 Gb RAM or higher
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. It can be obtained from the Microsoft website at: