Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect

This is another festive holidays-inspired text effect tutorial, that explains how to use Photoshop’s Layer Styles, very basic brushes, and a nice bokeh texture to create decorated golden metallic text effect.

The Final Result
Tutorial Details
  • Software Used : Photoshop
  • Version : CS6 Extended
  • Time : 0:45 – 1:15
Step 1
Create a new 1280 x 1024 px document. Set the Foreground color to #6a000c and the Background color to #111111. Pick the Gradient Tool, choose the Foreground to Background, Radial Gradient, in the Options bar. Then click and drag from the center of the document to one of the corners.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 1
Create the text using the font Junegull. The color is #f9df78 and the font Size is 428 pt.
Duplicate the text layer twice, and change the second copy’s Fill value to 0.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 1
Step 2
Double click the original text layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Style : Stroke Emboss
  • Depth : 250
  • Gloss Contour : Ring – Double
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Linear Light
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #96794b
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 2
– Contour
  • Contour : Cove – Deep
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 2
– Texture
  • Pattern : Carbon fibre
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 2
– Stroke
  • Size : 10
  • Position : Center
  • Fill Type : Gradient – “Gold 24k – 20L”
  • Style : Reflected
  • Angle : 90
  • Check the Reverse box
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 2
This will create the outer stroke of the text.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 2
Step 3
Double click the first copy text layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Depth : 300
  • Size : 40
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle : 80
  • Altitude : 50
  • Gloss Contour : Log
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Overlay
  • Color : #fff5cc
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #8c773d
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
– Contour
  • Contour : Half Round
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
– Inner Shadow
  • Color : #5c401b
  • Distance : 0
  • Size : 10
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
– Inner Glow
  • Blend Mode : Linear Light
  • Color : #c1812e
  • Source : Center
  • Size : 60
  • Contour : Log
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Range : 100
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
– Satin
  • Blend Mode : Screen
  • Color : #e9e9e9
  • Size : 38
  • Contour : Cone
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
– Drop Shadow
  • Color : #8e8e8e
  • Distance : 16
  • Size : 10
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
This will create the glossy metallic layer of the effect.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 3
Step 4
Double click the second copy text layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Depth : 300
  • Size : 40
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle : 80
  • Altitude : 50
  • Gloss Contour : Log
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Overlay
  • Color : #fff5cc
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #8c773d
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 4
– Contour
  • Contour : Half Round
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 4
Change the second copy layer’s Opacity to 25%. This will add a subtle glossy layer that will intensify the highlights and shadows a little bit more.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 4
Step 5
Ctrl/Cmd + click any text layer’s thumbnail to create a selection, create a new layer right below the second copy text layer and call it Swirls, set the Foreground color to #dbb858, pick the Brush Tool, and choose the 6a brush tip from the floral swirls brushes pack.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 5
You can open the Brush panel (Window > Brush), and change the tip’s Angle while you’re using the brush next to create some variation.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 5
You can also change the tip’s Size as you like, then, start clicking to fill the selected area with the swirly decorations. Keep in mind that you can use the Eraser Tool to remove any unwanted parts, then refill them again, as well as using different brush tips from the pack.
Once you’re done, go to Select > Deselect to get rid of the selection.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 5
Double click the Swirls layer to apply a Stroke effect by changing the Size to 1 and the color to #dbb858.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 5
This will thicken the swirls, and create some jagged edges, which will be great for creating the glitter-like appearance next.
To be able to style the stroke, we must rasterize it with the layer’s content
To do so, go to Layer > Rasterize > Layer Style if you are using CS6+ versions, or, Layer > Group (to put the Swirls layer in a group), then Layer > Merge Group to resterize the layer. Rename it to Swirls once again.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 5
Step 6
Double click the Swirls layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Gloss Contour : Ring – Double
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Vivid Light
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #5d4700
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 6
– Contour
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
  • Range : 80%
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 6
– Texture
  • Pattern : Leather 1
  • Depth : 355%
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 6
– Drop Shadow
  • Color : #91772f
  • Distance : 4
  • Size : 2
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 6
This will style the glittering swirls.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 6
Step 7
Create a new layer on top of the Swirls layer and call it Pearls.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 7
Double click the Pearls layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Gloss Contour : Cove – Deep
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Vivid Light
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #979797
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 7
– Contour
  • Contour : Cove – Inverted
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 7
– Drop Shadow
  • Color : #ae8d37
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 7
Pick the Brush Tool, choose a 15 px hard round brush tip, set the Foreground color to #fff4b4, and start dotting some pearls inside some of the swirls you created.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 7
Note: In the next step, we are going to rasterize and merge the layers, which means they won’t be editable anymore, and you will not be able to access or modify their Layer styles either.
So if you want to keep a copy of the original layers, save a copy of the document you’re working on before you continue with the tutorial.
For each text layer you have, select it then go to Layer > Rasterize > Type.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 7
Step 8
Pick the Ellipse Tool, choose the Shape option in the Options bar, and click the Geometry Options icon. Choose Fixed Size, and type in 45 for both the W and H values (Width and Height), then check the From Center box.
Click and drag slightly to create the first circle.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
Change the Fixed Size values to 41, choose the Subtract Front Shape option, then click and drag to place the smaller circle inside the bigger one and release to subtract it.
Make sure to place the resulting shape layer right below the original text layer.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
Double click the ring shape layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Gloss Contour : Gaussian
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Hard Light
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #272100
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
– Contour
  • Contour : Cove – Deep
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
– Gradient Overlay
  • Gradient : Gold 24k – 20L
  • Style : Reflected
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
This will style the ring.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
Duplicate the ring shape layer then move the copies to place them behind each letter.
(With the Move Tool selected, press and hold the Shift key, then press the Right Arrow Key a couple of times to move the rings. this will make sure to keep all the copies at the same horizontal level.)
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 8
Step 9
Select the rasterized original text layer, then go to Layer > Rasterize > Layer Style (or group it and merge the group if you’re using < CS6 versions). Then, Ctrl/Cmd + click its thumbnail to create a selection.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 9
Select all the layers except for the ring and Background layers, then go to Layer > Merge Layers. You’ll notice that the Drop Shadow of the first copy text layer looks bright. That’s because when the layers are merged, the Blend Modes are ignored (for the transparent areas).
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 9
Since we don’t need the shadow outside the selection anyway, we’re going to remove it. So press the Ctrl/Cmd + J keys to duplicate the selected part in a new layer, and delete the layer that has the shadow.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 9
Now select all the layers except for the Background layer, and merge them once again (Layer > Merge Layers).
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 9
Double click the merged layer to apply a Drop Shadow effect:
  • Opacity : 35%
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle : -35
  • Distance : 60
  • Size : 10
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 9
This is what you should get:
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 9
Step 10
Pick the Rectangular Marquee Tool, and select the first letter. Then duplicate it in a new layer by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + J. Select the main text layer again, and repeat the process for all the letters you have.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 10
When you’re done, make the main text layer invisible by clicking the eye icon next to it.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 10
Pick the Move Tool, check the Auto-Select: box in the Options bar, and choose Layer. This will enable you to click and drag the letters and move them around as you like in the scene.
Don’t forget to un-check the Auto-Select: box when you’re done with the tutorial ; )
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 10
Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Lines.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 10
Step 11
Double click the Lines layer to apply the following Layer Style:
– Bevel and Emboss
  • Gloss Contour : Cove – Deep
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode : Vivid Light
  • Shadow Mode – Color : #979797
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
– Contour
  • Contour : Cove – Inverted
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
– Color Overlay
  • Color : #855526
This is the effect you can come back to to change the color of the strings if you like.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
– Drop Shadow
  • Opacity : 35%
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle : -35
  • Distance : 60
  • Size : 10
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
Pick the Brush Tool, choose a hard round 10 px brush, and in the Brush panel, set the Spacing value to 110%.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
For each ring you have, click placing the brush tip closer to its top, then press and hold the Shift key, and drag the mouse upwards until you reach the edge of the document.
Make sure to release the Shift key before you click to create the next string, then press it again to drag upwards (otherwise, all the lines will be connected!).
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
You can create each letter’s strings in a separate layer if you like, as this will make moving the letters easier after creating the lines (in case you want to move them).
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 11
Step 12
That’s it for the text. This step is optional, and it explains how to add a nice bokeh texture to the Background.
Select the Background layer, then go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and change the Hue value to 45.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 12
Place the Xmasstree-4 bokeh texture on top of the Background layer, change its layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply, then go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90° CW. Move the texture around as you like.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 12
Finally, go to Image > Adjustments > Levels, change the Highlights value to 242, and the Gamma value to 1.36 to brighten up the texture a bit.
Decorated Gold Metallic Text Effect step 12
And you’re done!
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found the tips and tricks used helpful :)