3D is taking over the film industry, with more and more movies, games
and magazines being released in 3D I thought I would share the secret
with you on how to achieve 3D effects in your photos using Photoshop. I
am going to use Step Up 3D’s Movie poster and then transform it into a
3D image using Photoshop. This is a easy tutorial to follow and I am
sure a lot of people will find it very useful. You will now be able to
turn any photo into a 3D image. Let’s get started.
Final Preview
Step 1
Let’s setup our Photoshop Canvas. Firstly I make sure I have everything I need and in this case you only need a Photo, I used
Step Up 3D’s Movie Poster
and opened it up in Photoshop. Once I had it opened in Photoshop I
unlocked my Background Layer in the Layers Palette, if you don’t have a
layers palette on the right then go to (Window>Layers ) a Layers
Palette will appear with a Locked Background layer located in it. Hold
down ALT on your keyboard and Double click the background layer to
unlock it and turn it into a editable layer. This is what I have.
Step 2
Now I went to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels I set the
settings to 0 | 1.15 | 255 and hit OK. Then I went back to Layer>New
Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast. I set the Brightness -2 and the
Contrast +25. Now I created a new layer by going to
Layer>New>Layer or hitting CTRL+SHIFT+N and then with the newly
created Layer selected I went to Image>Apply Image. This basically
copied and merged all the layers into one image on top of the rest of
the images. Now with the newly Applied Image Layer selected I went up to
Filter>Other>High Pass I set the radius to 8.5 and hit OK. Now I
changed the Layers blending mode from Normal to Overlay and dropped the
Opacity to 85%. These added adjustments aren’t required to create the 3D
effect, they are just adjustments I added to spice up and sharpen the
image a bit.
Step 3 – 3D Effects start
Now we are going to start adjusting the image to go 3D. Select all
your layers in the layers palette by clicking on the top layer and then
holding shift and clicking on the layer at the bottom and then
right-clicking on the selected layers and selecting Merge Layers or
going to Layer>Merge Layers. This will merge all your layers into one
single layer and retain all your added adjustments and effects. Now
duplicate your single layer by selecting the layer and pressing CTRL+J
or right-clicking and pressing Duplicate Layer. Now rename your layers
to Top and Bottom by double-clicking on the layers current name or
right-clicking and choosing Layer Properties. This is what my Layer
Palette looks like at the moment.
Step 4
Now that you have your layers set, select your Top layer and drop the
Opacity to 50% now grab your Move Tool in the Left Toolbar or press V
to use the shortcut. Now use your arrow keys on your keyboard and press
Right 3 times and Down 3 times. You could use the mouse and move it too.
You should have a blurred image at the moment. Now I went up to
Edit>Free Transform and a bounding box appeared around my image. I
then rotated it 1.1 degrees to the left. I made use of the degree meter
at the top and set it to -1.1. It is located right next to the Width and
Height properties.
Step 5
Now set the opacity of your Top layer back to 100% and hide the Top
Layer by clicking on the EYE next to the Top layer window. Select your
Bottom Layer and go to Image>Adjustments>Channel Mixer… With the
Red Output Channel selected drop the Red amount from +100% to 0% This
will bring out the Full Cyan Color in your image at the back. This is
what you will have.
Step 6 – Final Step for 3D effect
Unhide your Top Layer and select it. Now go to
Image>Adjustments>Channel Mixer…Make sure the Output Channel is
set to Green and drop the Green Source Channel’s value to 0%. Now change
to the Blue Output Channel and set the Blue Source Channel’s value to
0% and finally you can hit OK. Now your Top Layer will be RED and your
Bottom layer will be CYAN. Now set the Blending mode of the Top Layer to
Screen and Viola you have a 3D effect. Now all you have to do is grab
your Crop Tool and crop the image so that you have whole image and not
the overlapping side. Here is my final effect below.
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